Thursday, August 4, 2011

Corker Bow supplies

While at Hobby Lobby I saw some beautiful corker bows, but I didn't want to spend $6 on 1 bow, so I googled corkers, they are a snap to make.First I assembled all my supplies.  I went to Walmart and bought some rhinestones, the large kind, those are about $2 for maybe 30. Then I scanned the paper for ribbon sales. Michael's - Walmart - Hobby Lobby... Walmart sells .49 cent ribbons, in plain colors, so you are able to buy loads of different colors. There colors are bright and thin. The thin ribbons work the best. Michael's was having a sale and so I got accent colors with designs on them, some have polka dots, cupcakes and princess'. I bought some larger ribbon because I did not know it does not work well for corkers, but I was able to use it for plain knot bows. Once I had my ribbons and rhinestones I went to a beauty supply store to buy some alligator clips. I live in Texas so I went to Armstrong McCall's and got some 1 3/4 slide in clips they are the 2 pronged clips... these are made by Diane. They were about $3 for 80... Walmart was the same price for 1 pronged clips and only 25 so it was not worth buying them there. I also needed to buy dowels.(A dowel is a thin wooden rod.) At first I bought some 3' dowels (.35 cents for each, I got 5 dowels) in the craft section of the walmart and cut them into foot sections myself, but they did not work as well they were too skinny to make a decent coker on there own, but along with other fatter dowels they are great. I kept them.  I had seen some pre cut dowels in the craft section of the walmart and they were about $1.50 so I went back and got those. These come in different widths. Those are perfect. All together I have about 30 dowels.  I got some clothes pins at the Walmart as well for about $2. All together I may have spent 30- 40 dollars. I also bought a small glue gun at the dollar store, works like a charm!!!
You need:
ribbons: 6 yards at 3/16 in
hot glue & hot glue gun
clothes pins
corn starch (1box)
rhinestones (optional)
now you are ready to start... if you spent $40 in store bought bows... you would only get maybe 6-7 bows, $40 worth of supplies nets you 50-60 bows... my thought is it is way cheaper to make your own... Gracie has bows in every color... for the 4th of July... I made her a beautiful red, white and blue corker... perfect.. 

About Me & Gracie

I have waited for years to become a grandmother.  I love it and I love my only grandbaby Gracie. She is a dream come true. She is beautiful, loving, calm, and loves to laugh. She is 10 months old and since she was born, I've written her several books, bought an embroidery machine to embroider stuff for her and I have learned to make all kinds of stuff. I love her and she loves me... we're as happy as we can be... we're gonna laugh and sing, we're gonna swirl and twirl... we're gonna show the how to twirl... together. There is nothing more freeing than a good twirl. I am 57. I still have a lot of good years left to impart wisdom and knowledge to my sweet girl. I am so excited about Gracie. I wanted to blog because I have stayed up late at night going to different blogs and to try to find free patterns on how to make bows, tutus,clothes cart covers. So I want to have all that here. I am going to provide step by step instructions on how to - along with dimensions for paterns. Patterns will have to be adjusted for your own child's size but that should be fairly easy. I made a beautiful tutu for her, with rhinestones. While at the dollar store I found a boa so I added that to the tutu... wow she looks like a princess. That is a picture of my sweet Gracie, and she is wearing a corker bow I made her. I had seen all the corkers at Hobby Lobby and googled how to and did!!!